Mobed Ardeshir Khorshidian Address to 12WZC 2022 NYC

Jul 15, 2022 | News

Mobed Dr. Ardeshir Khorshidian, the Head of Tehran Association of Moobedan’s Speech, at the 12th World Zoroastrian Congress, Jashn-e Tirgan of the Zoroastrian year 3760, 10th Tir 1401and July 1st 2022
Greetings as glorious as our prophetic greeting, Ashoo Zarathustra Espantaman to you, the organizers and participant in this Holy World Conference (Hamayesh) and other Conscious Religious viewers who hear me.

As the Head of Tehran Association of Mobedan, the Highest Official and legal Organization managing Zoroastrians’ heavenly (Religious, Traditional and Cultural) task, it is my duty (personal commitment, social responsibility, religious and legal undertaking) to thank and at the same time request you gentlemen to consider these vital points, the greatest concerns of our today’s society more than before: fortunately our reputable society of Zoroastrians are having significant progress in the acquisition of intellectual science at specialized and sub-specialized levels and are serving the society but unfortunately, due to various global (material) and heavenly (spiritual) reasons, including the decrease of required integrity within the framework of law between “Ahu”, who manage the executive affairs of our society and “Ratu”, managing its spiritual affairs, it is responsible to be the true guide of various strata based on the principles of Zoroastrian religion and culture.

Today our beloved youth, the apple of our eyes and the fortune-founders of our society due to moving and keeping away from their origin more than ever in the history, are under the propaganda attack and numerous sectarian and religious beliefs from east, west, north and south; and hence at a loss to correctly distinguish “right from wrong” and “good from bad”, and have fallen away to a large extent from their original culture full of Humanity and their Good morals based on Human Rights, all of the Ahurayee Mazdayasni religion teachings, brought by our prophet Ashoo Zarathustra in the holy book of the Gathas in 9 principals of religion at the Moghan Association which is called “Gathic”, and even now after four thousand years it is not only recent and updated, but also perfect “in the realm of the knowledge of religion which is for cultivating conscience through wisdom. They are trapped in routineness and have turned towards absurdity, religion alienation and even challenging the religion. I humbly request you, the respected and honourable people of the Zoroastrian Society – including the Parsis and Iranians – to try more than before by more unison to find the reasons and difficulties, and by finding a wise solution and more scientific and practical planning at this golden opportunity, resolve all these inadequacies and failures of the society through forming specialized groups and providing sufficient funds donated and supported by benevolent people.

We hope to witness in a near future, say until another four years when the thirteenth world zoroastrian congress is held, with your continuous efforts and in the light of Ahoora Mazda’s support, you can proudly announce, based on the figures and statistics, that you have truly been able to increase the religiosity level of our seemingly small but great in concept by institutionalizing all the necessities and merits of the Ahurayee Zoroastrian religion, rite and culture and unite all the Zoroastrians more and more towards fulfilling our prophet Ashoo Zarathustra’s goal, in Yasna 30 he says “We wish to be among those who guide the people towards Truth (Ashoyee) and Goodness (Vahooman) and the world towards Prosperity and Progress.

May the Truth win and Goodness increase

Mobed Dr. Ardeshir Khorshidian, the Head of Association of Mobedan in Iran, the ancient land of Zoroastrians, including the Iranians and Parsis – Tehran

Anaram Izad, Ordibehesht month of the Zoroastrian year 3760 -19th May 2022