Online Nomination Portal

Deadline EXTENSION to : March 7, 2022

For any questions on the nomination process email


An individual can be nominated only ONCE per category.

In case of multiple nominations for the same person in the same category, only the first nomination will be considered.

Before you nominate someone please check with them if they have already been nominated.

"*" indicates required fields

Step 1 of 2


Name of Sponsor*
Enter your name
If you are filing this nomination as an office bearer of an institution or organization
Sponsor Address*
Clear Signature
MM slash DD slash YYYY


Name of Nominee*
Provide the correct email address. A confirmation email will be sent to the Nominee upon submission of this form.
Please provide the correct cellphone (preferred) of the nominee. Include Country Code.
Date of Birth of Nominee*
Please enter the date of birth of the nominee
Current Address of Nominee*

Nomination Package

Particulars must be entered online. In case of help kindly check with us
The entire nomination text should not exceed 2000 words. Provide complete and detailed description of nominee's achievements. For proper evaluation by the judges, it is essential that the sponsors cover specifically and adequately the nominee’s achievements appropriate to each of the Evaluation Criteria for the specific award category for which the individual is nominated.